Tuesday, August 31, 2010







This exercise required us to create pixel portraits of lecturers working at billy blue. They could be as realistic or unrealistic as we liked as long as they displayed the techniques of a pixel portrait. I enjoyed this exercise as it was one that let me explore the creative side of computer graphics. All my pixel portraits are quite unrealistic in the sense every lecture looks straight out of a child's cartoon or picture book. My personal favorite is Neil due to his distinct glasses, that make him look like hes still stuck in the eighties. Pixel portraits are something I could see myself being interested in further into the future.

Friday, August 27, 2010

REBUS: i want beer

This class exercise required us to create a rebus as a group. We chose to say I want beer as it is only the truth. The idea of a rebus is for words to be represented by pictures and individual letters. Rebus' are clever in the sense that they can be read on an international level through the use of pictures. I have always noticed rebus' but never knew that they were a type of symbol in their own existence. I enjoyed creating this rebus within our group as the process required us to think what words could be interpreted through pictures. After enough though we came up with what we wanted to say and how to portray this through the use of pictures.


The Tank Man, or the Unknown Rebel, is the nickname of an anonymous man who stood in front of a column of Chinese type 59 tanks the morning after the Chinese military forcibly removed protesters from in and around Beijing's Tianaman Square on June 4, 1989.
The revolutionary Symbol of Standing up to the tank has since been replicated throughout Television, Film and the Internet making a mockery of the once courageous unknown rebel.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The southern cross has originally been seen as a symbol representing the constelation that sits in the centre of the milky way throughout the southern hemisphere, Formally known as the crux. Today it is used as a symbol of branding throughout Australia standing for national pride and in some cases racism.
Once seen as disrespectful and degrading when transferred between people, now used as a common gesture between a circle of friends.
Used throughout surfing culture to abbreviate the phrase "Yew". It is also known throughout Hawaiian culture as the "Shaka" sign. Can also be used to represent a gesture between smokers.
This Symbol has two meanings, the first being piss of when viewed this way. If it was to be flipped it could also be seen as a Symbol of peace.

The swastika is a common symbol in many Eastern religions but was also adapted by the Nazis as a symbol of power. Once used to represent harmony is frowned upon throughout society. the symbol is also adapted by Neo-Nazis or skin heads.

Symbols tend to change meaning as life goes on but and society adapts to this usually with comfort or in some cases an uproar of disgust. As generations go on, something that could have once be seen as a symbol of disregard or hate could soon be transformed into something with a completely new meaning once again.


This class exercise required us to create 12 road signs that describe issues or elements to look out for without the use of words but rather using symbols. I found the exercise challenging in thinking of signs that make sense and have not already been made. My favorite symbols between this group I have created are red light district, wet paint and gold digger. The most enjoyable part of this exercise was thinking of what my symbols represented as I was creating them.


This class exercise required us to tell the story of humpty dumpty through the use of already existing symbols. I chose to portray humpty having a fatal Drug overdose. I found this exercise amusing as it was so broad in creating the story board for the story, anything was possible. The already existing symbols were interesting to use as placing them together created a whole new meaning all together. Symbols can tell a story without text if done correctly.


This is the decided final symbol that we have chosen. It displays the main idea of our groups cause being putting a smile on peoples faces to brighten their day all in good for goodness sake.

This group symbol displays the two in the previous drafts combined. However i still feel it needs reworking.

Creating a group symbol was somewhat difficult as we all had different ideas and collaborating them together was not an easy task. In the end it was just the matter of a final decision on one and Mr Matthew Neto came out on top. I enjoyed the overall process of creating our group symbol as there were so many ideas being placed onto the drawing board it really opened my mind to the the process in creating a symbol.


The following symbols represent our cause Good For Goodness Sake and how it relates to our idea of 'Whack-Ups'. After feed back the two on the right need to be scrapped and more work on the left symbol is needed maybe even combing it with the bottom symbol. Back to the drawing board.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Yin Yang
The symbol of Yin Yang refers to two direct opposites that compliment each other such as: Black and white, Male and female, Light and Dark, Hot and cold etc.

4 leaf clover
The four leaf clover is a symbol of Superstition and belief as it is rare to find one, and believed if found will bring luck. The theory behind it is the first leaf represents hope, the second faith, the third love and the fourth luck.

Buddha does not represent a superstition but a belief of Buddhism. He is referred to as a god in other religions such as Hinduism.
Eternal life
The belief of eternal life is the concept of living in a physical or spiritual state for an infinite length of time. People base this as their belief in order to reach higher spiritual levels.

Eye of providence
The all seeing eye or eye of providence can be seen as a symbol of God. It can be tracked back to Egyptian Mythology and has repeated itself through most religions if not all up until today. This makes it one of the worlds most powerful symbols and contradicts the idea of Superstition completely. It is most commonly seen in modern society on the American One dollar bill.

Superstition is defined as: a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief. The images displayed show the symbols which people base these beliefs around.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Group Symbol Final

In order to come up with a group symbol as well as a name for our tribe we decided to collaborate all the common characteristics we have through a mind map. We all like Graffiti, Music and design. From here we noticed that we had somewhat devious personality's that generally disobeyed the establishment trying to break out of the system. What was more perfect than the 'Anarchists'.


Dodgy Cops
Typical Graffiti Writer
The P situated on the bottom right of the front of the train is a common symbol to warn others of new graffiti on the side of the train otherwise known as panels.
The Mullet Stubbie holder and Flanno all identify this person as a bogan.

Group Identifiers or better known as stereotypes single individuals and place them into certain demographics of society. Although this person may think they are a complete individual and there is not a soul like them, they will most definitely fall into a typical stereotype. The following images display Typical stereotypes in our society as well as symbols that only relate to a certain demographic within society. Absolutely everyone falls into a Stereotype through the way they dress or actions they take, just face it we are all the same!